Juan De Palacios wants to support The Project “CHEP – “Child Health Project” by having his hair cut in a Mohawk style! Let´s all join him!

Captura de pantalla 2020-08-19 a las 12.54.04.png

I want to help with this challenge 50 child’s.. This means I need to collect 2500€. If we meet this objective I will have my hair cut  in  Mohawk style (Never done it and I will record it and share it with you all). I will also contribute myself with a total 25% contribution of the total raised!Harambee in suhili means “All together” – I trust all together will help Harambee to continue helping one of the most vulnerable.
This is just the starting point, I have more challenges and rifles to come…

Did you know that almost 50% of the children that lives outskirts of big cities in Africa die before they turn 10 years old?  Just because there was not health assistance.    Nobody should die because of lack of assistance!!.

 With €50, Progamme CHEP in collaboration with Kimlea Clinic, can ensure this health programme for 1 kid for 10 years. This means that every kid will have 3 medial checks a year to identify anaemia, eliminate parasites and identify serious illness.  This dramatically will give them the change to live!!



 Harambee is an international association that wishes to contribute to enhancing the potential of the different realities of Sub-Saharan Africa through two main lines of action:

1. Strengthen the capacity of local human resources, supporting African entities in the implementation of projects in the field of basic education, vocational training, academia and business;

2. To deepen knowledge about Africa in order to overcome stereotypes and contribute to a culture of coexistence and complementarity.

 In Africa, Harambee supports, through private fundraising, local institutions that work with professionalism and experience to ensure personalized attention with the aim of transferring skills and, at the same time, to offer people the tools to take responsibility for themselves, the ability to make decisions and plan their future.


Back to school with Allfunds


Allfunds Covid-19 Solidarity Fund Madrid